Answer by Willeke for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Since the changes of the design I can no longer vote the review lists, specially if I do not want to vote for approve.The buttons do not scroll with the page but freeze on the screen when you scroll.I...
View ArticleAnswer by Scott Seidman for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
I don't understand why so much time, effort, and real estate went into a menu I almost NEVER click on, when it could be going to information I read.
View ArticleAnswer by Lawrence for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
On Cadillacs, the Hondas, and the Yugos, I don't see the point of standardising on Yugos. As far as I know, the sites with the Cadillacs aren't pushing to get rid of them.I'd suggest letting the...
View ArticleAnswer by Zhro for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
I'm not sure if you posted the right picture. There seems to be a large amount of excess padding on the left, most likely due to a problem with the CSS style causing it to display vertically instead of...
View ArticleAnswer by Rob Audenaerde for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
Please announce this prominently to users BEFORE it changesOk. This is a bit late, but Today I got the 'June 2018' UI change. I always need some time to adjust, and it would make my life a lot easier...
View ArticleAnswer by thunderblaster for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
I assume the reason for not collapsing the left-bar is to draw visibility to Teams and increase conversion rate. The reason for standardizing design is to save on development/design costs. Thank you....
View ArticleAnswer by trlkly for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
The main problem I see with left navigation is that I don't see anything of value in that left nav bar. I don't see anything I would ever actually need to click on. Yet this is being given priority...
View ArticleAnswer by Mr. Xcoder for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Is MathJax staying as-is?Relevant, yet not the same. Given all those major changes that are coming, perhaps it's time to leave MathJax behind and move to a newer and faster service (e.g. Katex), or is...
View ArticleAnswer by Marco Bonelli for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
While I'm happy to hear about this update and the beautiful responsiveness of the redesigned sites, I've got to disagree on some of your design choices. Some of these have already been covered by other...
View ArticleAnswer by E.P. for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Please reconsider your decision on voting buttonsThe voting buttons are an ever-present aspect of a bunch of sites' graphical identity, and they pull a disproportionate amount of weight in making the...
View ArticleAnswer by user215040 for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
A number of Stack Exchange sites have specialized support for non-standard types of post formatting. For example, on Japanese.SE we have some custom JavaScript to add ruby to our posts. We've used this...
View ArticleAnswer by Ben I. for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
With regards to the Cadillacs, the Hondas, and the Yugos, I have wondered for a long time why we don't allow sites to theme themselves through their own metas. This would involve creating an allowable...
View ArticleAnswer by user148287 for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Standardizing classes, elements, names and what not to allow for unlimited styling choices "A good thing"™, forcing every site to look/work/feel the same is "A terrible thing"™, just as terrible as 80...
View ArticleAnswer by TylerH for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Two things:Please don't make the sidebar appear to be way bigger than the content actually inside it:The way it is designed now makes it look like it is going to take up 33% of the screen, while the...
View ArticleAnswer by user217110 for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
It's unclear how this affects sites in beta?As someone who partcipates a lot on a "Yugo site" I welcome the interest in this design being changed. But it's not clear how this affects all the beta sites...
View ArticleAnswer by Journeyman Geek for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design,...
I actually like the idea of the left menu bar, especially with modern desktop/widescreen displays, but agree it should be collapsible. It's a waste of real estate the moment someone uses more than one...
View ArticleAnswer by Pavel for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
How will the changes to design affect chat?Chat rooms that belong to a certain site also get a theme when the site gets a design. Will this still be the case?
View ArticleAnswer by Clonkex for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Please don't be so restrictive on the themingIt's one of the things I love dearly about the SE sites. The in-depth theming really sets SE apart from other generic Q&A sites and gives each SE site a...
View ArticleAnswer by Travis J for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
As noted, this is a terrible idea. The left sidebar is not what this site needs, it is a step back, we may as well just start making geocities websites and pretend like its the early 2000's again if...
View ArticleAnswer by Peter Turner for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
Allow me to be the first to say this is a pretty lame cop-out that has an obvious, albeit difficult programmatic solution.Have you guys considered that cool themes might be one of the things that...
View ArticleAnswer by NH. for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Don't squish search bar into oblivionIt seems like the top bar, particularly the search box, isn't really responsive at all (at least in your animation). This leads to the search bar being way too...
View ArticleAnswer by amflare for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Since you guys are overhauling this system, can I make one small request? Allow any user to use the base SO theme on any site. I personally think that it is a lot cleaner than the other themes, and I...
View ArticleAnswer by Mad Scientist for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
This new design is 164px wider due to the new left sidebar as far as I've seen from the Teams beta. Assuming that not everyone has SE open fullscreen in wide monitors, the site should still be as...
View ArticleAnswer by Tim for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
We are reunifying all our products (, Stack Exchange network sites, Stack Overflow for Enterprise and now Stack Overflow for Teams) around a coherent design and single codebase.Absent...
View ArticleAnswer by Tim for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Please reconsider your decision on badges, and allow customisation per site?One of my favourite features which sets sites apart is the wonderful range of badges we have across the network:For me, these...
View ArticleAnswer by Monica Cellio for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
What is the semantic difference between left nav and the site selector? Should they be merged?The new left nav includes a mix of site-specific stuff (tags, users) and teams. Teams are implemented as...
View ArticleAnswer by Monica Cellio for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, &...
On question pages, prioritize the right column over the left.In the animated images, the right column always drops out first, and then eventually (as the window narrows) the left column is replaced by...
View ArticleAnswer by Makyen for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Don't waste so much space on the left sidebarPlease, please, please, don't waste so much space on the left sidebar. Keep the left-sidebar as collapsible/slide-out/pop-over/drop-down. Don't have it...
View ArticleAnswer by Adám for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Can we at least select our fonts?status-completed Check out the resolution to this question: Fonts and the new Q&A themingI think the fonts give much of the feeling to a site, and may even affect...
View ArticleAnswer by KRyan for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Separate from my other answer, since that one is a bit of personal tragedy and this one is a more generally-significant issue:How is MathJax going to be affected?MathJax doesn’t really work...
View ArticleAnswer by KRyan for Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Welp, that’s going to direly reduce my screen real estate devoted to actual Q&AI have my browser set to use only half of my screen. Most sites work well this way. Stack Exchange has some of the...
View ArticleCh-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes
Thanks everyone for your feedback. The team has responded to feedback in the post Left nav, responsive design, and theming next steps. Check it out.Ch-ch-ch-changes are coming. As you've hopefully read...
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